I take a step back and observe the life unfolding in my kitchen. Grown kids sauntering into the already lively surroundings. Sometimes with friends in tow, sometimes alone. But, always making their way home. A myriad of conversations has ensued within these walls. Laughter, friendly teasing, an occasional clash of personalities. Always lots of noise. […]

What Comes to Mind When You Think of Home?
What are your first thoughts when you think of home? Do you picture yourself as a child, reliving a precious memory of years gone by? Do you explore more recent thoughts of life with your own children or others you hold dear? Or, do you fall somewhere in between? Home. The word itself evokes a […]

When You’re Tired of Driving Around in Circles
I sighed as I made the loop over the interstate heading in the opposite direction. I had made a wrong turn. Again. I do this so often I’m no longer surprised by it, but I’m always bothered by it. It causes me to feel stupid, to hurl hurtful accusations at myself. Why do you have […]

How to Usher Frustration Out of Your Life
Frustration. It’s what causes us to lose patience with the slothfully slow cashier. The government official who leaves us on hold for what seems an eternity. The waitress who forgets to refill our glass even after two reminders. The co-worker who doesn’t carry her load. It’s what causes us to feel aggravated over a delayed […]

Bypassing Regret by Way of the Spirit’s Nudge
Her question was innocent enough, but the tone I imagined behind her text was not. Normally, this type of question wouldn’t bother me. I would assume the best of her intentions. But not this time. This time my thoughts quickly jumped from this one occurrence with her to earlier occurrences with others like her. Her […]

Won’t You Please Carry Me?
Walking a short distance behind me, I hear small feet slowing down accompanied by whining and complaining. “Momma, my legs are tired. Are we almost done? Can we go back to the playground? Momma, can you carry me?” My first inclination is to become frustrated. They had their time on the playground, now it’s my […]

What About Them?
I soaked in the silence surrounding me and released a sigh from somewhere deep within. These unusually quiet moments afforded me a much-needed reprieve, but the thoughts swirling about my mind were anything but relaxing. “We’re living in unprecedented times.” Indeed we are, and these unprecedented times often leave me with an overwhelming concern for […]

When Life Goes Haywire
Why is it when one area of my life goes haywire so many others follow suit? My eating choices worsen. My stack of unread paperwork grows larger. My writing becomes less. There is no menu planning. No grocery lists. No getting ahead. Instead, I run back and forth from one fire to another, working […]