I learned a long time ago if God doesn’t want something for me, it’s best not to want it for myself. I learned this by trying to merge His will into my way of doing things. By doing so, I was missing out on His sweet fellowship.
I would pray, asking for things to work out a certain way. Then, I would do everything in my power to make it happen – even when I knew it wasn’t God’s best for me. I wanted what I wanted, and I was determined to get it. So, God let me have it. It didn’t take long to realize what I thought would be so great wasn’t that great at all. Instead of the pleasure and blessing I expected, I found myself stuck in a place void of peace.
I now understand the importance of spending time in God’s word before rushing into my day. By making God a priority, I’m better prepared to face the parts of life that aren’t ideal. This is where Psalm 48:14 comes into play, “This God, our God forever and ever – he will always lead us.”
Even after we’ve made a mess of things. Even after we’ve sped away in the wrong direction only to crash farther down the road. Even then He stops, picks us up and gives us the ride we should’ve taken in the first place. The ride that lands us in the right place at the right time for the right purpose.
Smack dab in the middle of God’s will. Wherever He leads. Not my will, but His.
Shouldn’t we be willing to follow Him into those places? Even when they aren’t what we had in mind? Even when they’re unpleasant and uncomfortable and downright tough? Even when everything within us wants to throw on the brakes to His will and accelerate toward our own?
Yes, friend, even then. When He takes us into those places we’d rather not be, He is ushering us into sweet fellowship and intimacy with Him. But He can’t lead us into that intimacy if we refuse to follow. And we won’t know to follow if we lack connection with Him. And we can’t be fully connected if we never spend time with Him.
So, let’s get in the habit of saying Good Morning to the One who gives us the morning. Let’s whisper Good Night before drifting off to sleep. Let’s keep our conversations with Him going throughout the day. And while we’re at it, let’s read His word and hide its truth in our hearts for those hard days.
What changes will you implement to make time with God a priority today? Will you commit to waking up fifteen minutes earlier? Will you skip that thirty-minute television show? Will you download a Bible app or begin a Bible reading plan? Remember, one small change can make all the difference.
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