Being You is Okay

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I’ve never been much of a talker, always more of the quiet type.  As a child and young adult, I was extremely timid and shy.  I would sit in a classroom tormented because I knew the answer to a question posed by the teacher, but lacked confidence and courage to lift my hand and let my voice be heard. 

In social settings, I labored to find my voice when I knew something should be said.  Many times when I would muster up the courage to speak, I would regret having done so.  Either I had chosen the wrong words or spoken them at an inappropriate time, somehow making a fool of myself.  Once again confirming it was best for me to remain quiet.  And so it went ….

And then along came the boy God had chosen for me (later to be called my husband).  We couldn’t have been more different:  he had absolutely no problem talking.  He could talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  He was a magnet.  People were drawn to him.  He had a way of making others feel comfortable – even complete strangers. He would often leave them with a bigger smile and a better perspective than when he had found them.  Oh, how I longed to be more like that.

Yet here I am, years later, still not much of a talker, still more of the quiet type.  And believe it or not, I’m finally starting to realize it’s okay.  After all these years, I’m beginning to like who I am and how God made me.  I’m accepting that He actually has a purpose in creating me exactly as He did.  I’m learning to be more thankful for who I am. 

Yes, I’ll admit that sometimes I still wish this whole getting-to-know-people-better thing was simpler for me.  That my ability to engage others in meaningful conversations didn’t feel so awkward; and that reaching out to others face-to-face wasn’t such a struggle. 

But here’s the beauty in it … because it isn’t my natural tendency, and because I can’t easily pull it off on my own, I find myself talking to God quite a bit through my day.  “Lord, show me what to say to this friend who is discouraged; Father, give me words of wisdom for my husband as he deals with this situation; Dear God, give me courage to speak up and take a stand on this issue as you see fit.”  And so it goes ….

And so it can be for you too, my friend. 

Whether your problem is having too little to say, or saying too much, go to the One who made you.  He will teach you how to use your quietness, or your talkativeness, to point others to Him.  And in doing so, you’ll come to realize that being you – the you God created you to be – is more than okay.

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2 thoughts on “Being You is Okay”

  1. You are a beautiful person & I wish I were more like you . I tend to be over the top & don’t think that is a good quality to have .All my family tended to be that way. Be proud you are not like that & are the way you are. God Bless you

    1. Thank you, Nickie, for such sweet words. We all have our little imperfections, but We are still very much loved. If it weren’t for our mess-ups, none of us would understand the beauty of grace. Love & appreciate you!

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